Game Instructions


Find the Go! card using clairvoyance
How to Play:
  • Select and click on one of the three cards to find the “Go”! card.
  • If correct, great, score 1 point (a hole-in-one), then click “Next” to move on to the next psychic exercise
  • If incorrect, click on one of the two remaining cards
  • If correct, score 2 points and move onto the next psychic exercise
  • If incorrect, click on the last remaining card, score 3 points, and then click “Next” to move on to Family.

Psychic Exercise 2

To reveal the selected Family member using clairvoyance, (telepathy in the board game)
How to Play:
  • Click on one of four Family members to find the chosen member.
  • If correct, score 1 point and move onto the next exercise
  • If incorrect, continue selecting Family members until you pick the correct one
  • Score 1 point for each selected Family member
  • Best score = 1 (hole-in-one) and worst score = 4, Chance level (Par) = 2.5

Psychic Exercise 3

To identify at least two out of three symbols using clairvoyance, (telepathy in the board game)
How to Play:
  • Click onto each symbol to select one shape, one colour and one number
  • Shape:Triangle or Square
  • color:Green or Red
  • Number:0 or 1
  • Once all three symbols are selected, the top card of the deck turns over to reveal the winning combination.
  • You must answer correctly at least 2 of the 3 pairs to score 1.
  • e.g. Player selected, Triangle, Green, 1
  • Shape:correct
  • color:correct
  • Number:incorrect
  • 2 from 3 correct, thus score 1 and move onto the next psychic exercise.
  • If less than 2 correct symbols, the player attempts this exercise a second and final time.
  • The player must answer correctly at least 2 of the 3 pairs to score 2
  • If the 2nd attempt does not meet the "move-on" criteria, then the player is moved to Timespace, i.e. scores 3.
  • NB: Timespace = 1 penalty point is conceded. Now click “Next”.

Psychic Exercise 4

To roll a double by telekinesis or psychokinesis, i.e. to will it, using your mind power
How to Play:
  • Click once on “Roll” to throw the dice
  • If the player rolls a double, score 1 and move onto the next psychic exercise
  • If not a double, click “Roll” to throw the dice a second and final time
  • If a double on your second attempt, score 2 and move to Yin Yang
  • If your 2nd roll does not meet the "move-on" criteria, then the player is moved to Timespace, i.e. scores 3, and then moves onto Yin Yang

Psychic Exercise 5

To see a Yin or Yang card using clairvoyance.
How to Play:
  • Select Yin or Yang by clicking on the desired symbol
  • The top card of the shuffled deck will turn over to reveal the hidden symbol, Yin or Yang
  • If the correct symbol was selected, score 1 and move on to the next psychic exercise
  • If incorrect try again.
  • Keep trying until you answer correctly and score 1 additional point for each attempt
  • eep trying until you answer correctly and score 1 additional point for each attempt

Psychic Exercise 6

To travel through the Hall of Doors using clairvoyance, (or telepathy in the board game)
How to Play:
  • There are 4 doors in each wall, a blue, green, red and purple door and there are 6 walls.
  • One randomly selected door in each wall is "locked"
  • Starting at the first wall the player must select the unlocked door by clicking on a door of their choosing.
  • If correct the player moves onto the next wall and selects a door
  • If incorrect the player must click on one of the three remaining doors to progress through the wall
  • The player then selects a door at the next wall
  • The player progresses until they have passed through the hall of doors.
  • If a player encounters no locked doors they score 1.
  • For each locked door a player encounters, they score one additional point
  • If all 6 locked doors are selected, the player scores the highest possible score = 7.

Psychic Exercise 7

To reveal the selected Element using clairvoyance, (telepathy in the board game)
How to Play:
  • Click on one of five Elements to find the chosen one
  • If correct, score 1 and move on to the next psychic exercise
  • If incorrect, continue selecting Elements until you pick the correct one
  • Score 1 point for each Element you select
  • Score ranges from 1 to 5 in this exercise

Psychic Exercise 8

To identify the correct half of the Duality selected using clairvoyance
How to Play:
  • Click on one half of each Duality
  • Click on Bitter or Sweet, then click on Love or Hate etc. until all six are selected
  • Answer 5 correct pairs or better to score 1, and move on to the next psychic exercise
  • If 4 pairs or less are answered correctly in your first and only attempt, then you have not met the "move-on" criteria, hence the player is moved to Timespace and scores 2

Psychic Exercise 9

To identify at least two out of three symbols using clairvoyance, (telepathy in the board game)
How to Play:
  • Click onto a symbol to select one Crop Circle, one Cereal and one Phase of the Moon
  • Select by clicking one Crop Circle from 3 and one of each pair of Crop Fields and Moon symbols.
  • Select Angel or Key or The Sign
  • Select Barley or Wheat
  • Select Full Moon or New Moon
  • Once all 3 are selected, the top card of the shuffled deck is turned over to reveal the winning combination
  • You must answer correctly at least 2 of the 3 selections to score 1 and move on to the next psychic exercise
  • If less than 2 symbols are correct, the player attempts this exercise a second and final time
    drawing a second card.
  • The player must again answer correctly at least 2 of the 3 symbols to score 2.
  • If the 2nd attempt does not meet the "move-on" criteria, then the player is moved to Timespace and scores 3.
  • If you answer all 3 symbols correctly, only in your first attempt, you will score 1 Golden Orb. There are 7 in total to be won.

Psychic Exercise 10

To precognitively selecta the chosen Zener card
How to Play:
  • Zener is the one and only precognition psychic exercise which is played in two parts
  • Part 1: Immediately after Universal and before Doubles, the player clicks to select one Zener symbol they believe will later be drawn when they reach the Zener exercise
zner-circle zner-add zner-tilt zner-square zner-star
  • The players selection is saved until they arrive at Zener
  • Part 2: Upon arriving at the Zener exercise, the player clicks on the card deck to flip the top card
Click on the deck
  • The top card of the deck is turned over to reveal the randomly selected symbol.
  • If correct the player scores 1 and moves on to the next psychic exercise
  • If incorrect the play clicks one more card for a 2nd and final attempt
  • If correct the player scores 2 and moves to Gateway
  • If the 2nd attempt does not meet the "move-on" criteria, then the player is moved to Timespace and scores 3

Psychic Exercise 11

To travel through the Gateway by selecting only unlocked Gates
How to Play:
  • There are varying numbers of Gates in each wall; a green, blue, maybe red and maybe purple Gate, and there are 7 walls.
  • One randomly selected gate in each wall is "locked"
  • Starting at the first wall the player must select the unlocked gate by clicking on one gate of their choosing
  • If correct, the player moves to the next wall and selects a gate
  • If incorrect, the player must click on one of the remaining gates to progress past the wall in play
  • When through, the player selects a gate at the next wall
  • The player progresses until they have passed through the gateway.
  • If a player encounters no locked Gates, they score 1
  • For each locked gate a player encounters, they score one additional point
  • If all 7 locked gates are selected, the player scores the maximum score of 8 points
  • Encounter no locked Gates and you win one Golden Orb

Psychic Exercise 12

To reveal the selected Sense using clairvoyance, (telepathy in the board game)
How to Play:
  • Click on one of six Senses to find the randomly selected Sense
  • If correct, score 1 and move on to the next psychic exercise
  • If incorrect, continue selecting Senses until you find the correct one
  • Score 1 point for each Sense you select
  • Score ranges from 1 to 6 in this exercise

Psychic Exercise 13

Find the Hear, See or Speak Wise Monkey using clairvoyance
How to Play:
  • Select by clicking one of the See or Hear or Speak Wise Monkeys
  • The top card of the shuffled card deck will then turn over to reveal the symbol
  • If the correct symbol was selected, the player scores 1 and moves on to the next psychic exercise
  • If incorrect try again by clicking one of the Wise Monkeys.
  • Keep trying until you answer correctly. You will score 1 point for every attempt
  • The player must answer correctly before moving on.
  • NB: On average through random chance alone, players will answer correctly on their third attempt however it is possible to not answer correctly for many attempts. Stay calm for this one.

Psychic Exercise 14

To chant the selected Mantra using clairvoyance, (telepathy in the board game)
How to Play:
  • One word from each of the three columns is randomly selected to make a positive Mantra
  • E.G.
  • The randomly selected mantra is hidden from the player.
  • The player starts at the first column and chooses by clicking either "Need" or "Want"
  • If a correct selection is made then the player moves to the 2nd column and selects one of the three words
  • f an incorrect selection is made in the 1st column, the player must click on the remaining word to progress to the 2nd column.
  • In the 2nd column, the player selects one word; Love or Compassion or Wisdom.
  • If correct, the player moves to the 3rd column.
  • If incorrect, the player selects one of the two remaining words in the second column.
  • The player progresses to the next column only when selecting the correct word in each column
  • The player will score 1 if they chose all 3 words correctly in one go
  • The player will score 2 for one incorrect selection and 1 additional point for each subsequent incorrect choice
  • The score in this exercise ranges from a minimum of 1 to maximum of 7
  • Chant your Mantra in one go and you win a Golden Orb

Psychic Exercise 15

To remotely view five symbols using your third eye
Stay very cool and very clam. This one is tough. It takes an average of six attempts to get through this exercise by random chance alone. Do it in one continues go and you win a Golden Orb.
How to Play:
  • The player commences at “Tree” and must guess correctly before moving to the next symbol, UFO, then Sun and so on
  • The player is asked, "Is the Tree in the Garden?" Yes or No. The player clicks on their choice.
  • If the player answers correctly, they are then asked, "Is the UFO in the Garden?"
  • Again, the player must click Yes or No, and if correct, the next symbol is sort and so on
  • Play continues with the top card of the deck remaining hidden until only a wrong answer is given, or the player answers 5 correct in a row.
  • Whenever the player selects incorrectly, the card is flipped to reveal the 5 possible symbols as either being in the garden or not in the garden.
  • E.g: For card 29 of 32, the Tree and Flower are not in the garden. The UFO, Sun and Bird, are in the garden.
  • Play continues until all symbols are guessed correctly. As many cards as needed will be drawn.
  • The card deck is reshuffled after each card is revealed, so it is possible that you may draw the same card again.
  • The full card deck has 32 possible card combinations of symbols being in the garden or not. One card has all 5 symbols and one other card has no symbols at all. The rest have every possible combination of symbols being there and/or not there.
  • NB: On average players will move on after six attempts however it is theoretically possible to not answer correctly for many attempts.
  • Your main score is now completed. The scores from each of the first 15 psychic exercises are added together.
  • Any score below 42.385 is a good outcome.
  • This game score now contributes toward your average score and also to the world average score

Psychic Exercise 16

To determine your Game Karma Rating
How to Play:
  • A number is randomly selected from 1 to 100. E.g. 82
  • This number remains unchanged for the duration of this exercise and is not revealed to the player
  • The player selects a number they believe has been chosen by clicking on it. E.g. 50
  • All numbers from 50 and below fade away as they are now out of play.
  • The numbers from 51 to 100 are now visible with the selected number being 82
  • Again, the player selects an available/visible number, in this example from 51 to 100. E.g. 85.
  • The numbers 85 and above fade away leaving the numbers 51 to 84 visible
  • Play and selection continues until the correct number is chosen.
  • The number of attempts taken to find the correct number is NOT added to a player’s score.
  • When the correct number is selected, the Karma rating is determined by the number of numbers left behind.
  • E.g. If a player had two numbers left in play, e.g. 82 and 83 and selected 83 incorrectly leaving 82 behind which is then selected and there are no numbers remaining, hence the Karma rating = 0. This is the worst possible outcome
  • The best possible outcome is a correct selection with your first choice. E.g. 1 – 100 and you choose correctly at 82 leaving behind 99 numbers. Your Karma rating = 99. This is the best possible outcome
  • NB: The Game Karma rating is another measure of a player’s psychic performance. Your ongoing average Karma rating is maintained for you to endeavour to increase continuously, and to brag about to your friends
  • The same applies to the number of Golden Orbs won in a game. They are a tertiary psychic performs indicator, to again endeavour to increase your average, on an ongoing basis.
  • All 3 performance indicators contribute to your ongoing averages along with your main score contributing to the World Average.